Message from Alan P. Xenakis, MD, ScD, MPH, MS

Alan P. Xenakis, MD, ScD, MPH, MS

Never before in history has the human brain been so vulnerable to manipulation and bias… our personal and business relationships, reputations, successes, and growth are all held hostage daily by unconscious irrational decisions. 

All too often we shake our head and say to ourselves the only way the outcome I envision will happen is if I do it myself… But that’s not rationally possible… from cradle to grave… policy development to implementation… mined raw resource to finished product… startup to globalization… someone else has to be involved.

Hello my name is Alan Xenakis… I am a physician, author, university professor, cognitive scientist, and mass and social media communicator. I am dedicated to helping you meet the hard earned aspirations of your mission, values, principles, and goals… outcomes you affirm for yourself and those you serve.

My training, experience, and advanced degrees in medicine, neuroscience, and public health have been uniquely planned for your benefit. With the ultimate purpose of delivering the exact information you need… not theory… when you need it… through customized, targeted and trusted instruction bringing solutions you and your organization can apply today with results that will eliminate the destructive impact unconscious biases disable us with every day.

Look around you. No one, nor are any of our senses, are immune to unconscious bias and its sinister underpinnings. In preventable peril are our beliefs, choices, decisions, policies, delivery strategies, and behaviors. Adversely affected is the way we frame a world view for ourselves, as well as our employees, customers, clients, patients, colleagues, and constituents.

The real, psychic, and opportunity costs of irrational opinions and unsound decision making, based on hundreds of psychological biases, are so staggering that hundreds of questions must be asked. Such as: Why is the presence of unmasked biases tolerated? Why is the range of their existence more than any reasonable person can afford?”  When someone is talking are you thinking…“I already know this” and… “When are they going to be done?” When viewing media news and pundit commentary do you reason I really believe the story because it supports my views?

“Enough is enough…” The bias toll on decision making is epidemic, unacceptable, costly, and preventable. Our proven professionals are available to meet your needs. Whether it’s one hour, half-day, or full day from training to access to proprietary instructional interactive multimedia material we are prepared to discuss together how the impact of hundreds of unconscious bias drums beating down opportunities inside and outside your organization can be effectively silenced.

Helping you empower your mission, values, and goals to reach your well-deserved outcomes is our earnest desire. Our Xenanex team of professionals looks forward to serving you.

Koinonia, Alan P. Xenakis, MD, ScD, MPH, MS Chief Executive Officer XenAneX- “Unbiasing A World Apart”