Who We Are…XenAneX©
XenAneX© serves as the leading trailblazer for cognitive bias, heuristics, and human behaviors in decision making offering education and competency certification in self-improvement, leadership, integrity, and professionalism. Our priority is to provide quality education, advocacy, and validation in this specialized field within the academic, personal, and professional community through an array of multimedia programming delivery systems. Our goal is to bring the awareness, understanding, and control of cognitive biases, heuristics, and human behaviors in decision-making with the end goal of Unbiasing A World Apart©
Mission Statement
“Xenanex© is dedicated to delivering continuing professional oversight in recognizing individual competency for achieving and maintaining mastery over cognitive bias, heuristics, and human behavior in discipline specific decision making.”

Frequently Ask Questions…
- Will these courses make me more competitive and successful?
- Are skills applicable to real world situations?
- How do the courses offered here differ from courses taught at other Universities?
- How valuable is a non-credit course?
- What does it mean to earn an individual course “Certificate of Satisfactory Completion”?
- What are the costs of course materials?
- How much time will each course take?
Are You Ready to Begin?